elerGreen wins Impactful Actions Awards in Young Leaders category, organized by Profound Impact

September 14, 2023

On Profound Impact Day of September 14, Hui Huang Hoe of elerGreen is the winner of Impactful Actions Awards in Young Leaders category, after being shortlisted as a finalist by Profound Impact.

Profound Impact helps education, research and community organizations leverage data to measure program impact, tell their story and inform strategy. The Impactful Actions Awards is an annual awards program hosted by Profound Impact, recognizing leaders worldwide who are making a profound impact on the global community by inspiring collaborative solutions to difficult problems. This program brings together two of Profound Impact’s core values: open collaboration and making a positive impact.

Further information can be found at the Press Release by Profound Impact titled “Impactful Actions Awards Winners for 2023 Announced on Profound Impact Day” at:

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