elerGreen to host Venture for Canada (VFC) Intrapreneurship Projects to foster Canadian entrepreneurship while leveraging elerGreen cleantech.

April 23, 2022

elerGreen formally signs contract with Venture for Canada (VFC) to collaborate on VFC Intrapreneurship Program, aimed to foster Canadian entrepreneurships while further leveraging elerGreen cleantech innovations for amplified benefits to the society.

Venture for Canada (VFC) is a national charity that fosters entrepreneurial skills and mindset in young Canadians. Notably, VFC Intrapreneurship Programconnects andprovides paid interns to individual or teams of Canadian youth to work on a challenge for businesses.

Through VFC Intrapreneurship Program, elerGreen contributes to Canadian entrepreneurship by facilitating entrepreneurial education and hands-on experience for future generations. An example includes organizational, social and business innovations, especially market research and policy reforms, integrated to operation and project management.

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